Photographer of Week 29 - 2022
'Head In The Clouds' by Natalie Lau
35mm Kodak 250D / ECN-2
Olympus Mju-II
Tell us about yourself and what draws you to film photography? "Hi! I’m Natalie, I’m a 19 year old engineering and arts student at UoA. Have to admit that I got into film when disposable cams started trending, but after my dad gave me his old Olympus mju-ii, it was all about being able to capture memories in a way that would make them last. I’m still a film amateur, so I definitely wouldn’t consider myself a photographer yet, but I like how although you never really know how your film pics will turn out, you’re happy to capture moments all the same."
Are there any film photographers in Aotearoa that inspire you or influence your thinking or photographing?
"Has to be Marshall Timkii- he’s an absolute legend!! He knows just about everything I need about film, and his photos are always incredible, an inspiration for sure."
Do you have a subject or style you always find yourself drawn to? Why?
"I like taking pictures of my friends when we’re together, sometimes candid, but mostly just quick shots during a lull in conversation. I also like shooting my plants, or just random things that catch my eye, so I guess I enjoy taking snapshots of my daily that I can look back on and remember."
Do you have a favourite film stock you like to use often & would recommend?
"I really like to use Ecn-2 film, there’s just something about it that makes it feel so different from regular C41. My first ever Ecn-2 rolls were the kodak 5219 and kodak 5207 (actually only recently learnt that they’re more commonly called 500T and 250D), and I’d fully recommend them both! The colours of Ecn-2 film are so insane, especially for night photography, so definitely give them a go if you haven’t before."
More photos from Natalie Lau:
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